Dymatize ISO 100 has the highest percentage of protein. It is a Dietary Supplement. It has 24gm protein, 1 gram Carbs per 28gm. serving. It has no fat and no lactose at all. The ratio of protein is 86% inside Dymatize ISO 100. The quality of the product is guaranteed. It is natural and artificially flavoured. No other brand can make the formula. The name Dymatize ISO 100 is derived from its protein source. The whey protein used in it has been processed to the zenith of perfection. The isolated protein is 100% hydrolyzed and instantized. The protein used is taken through 5 or more than 5 steps.
As fat and lactose has been removed from ISO 100, it is most easily assimilated, digested and most bio – available source of protein on the market. To maintain a positive nitrogen balance and to aid muscle recovery maximum protein utilization is essential. ISO 100 is really a high standard protein to feed the muscles to the fullest potential. For low carb diets, Dymatize ISO 100 is perfect with 0 carbohydrates. It also has sodium chloride, potassium chloride, soybean oil, sucralose, milk and soy. To use Dymatize ISO 100, we have to add one heaping scoop to 4 – 8 oz. Water, 350 ml of juice, or milk. Then we will have to mix it for 15 seconds or till the time it gets completely dispersed. For best results we have to take two to three servings daily.
Dymatize has 106 calories per servings. In the end of shaker no pieces are seen. It is a very nice whey protein that too for low price. It has great taste and gets mixed well even with cold milk. It is great for diets and snacks throughout the day. This is an awesome protein for them who all want to lose weight.